
Hello there.
I’m a mother, grandmother, writer, crofter & Professor of Physical Geography specialising in ‘environmental change’. I live on a smallholding known as a ‘croft’. The croft is close to the sea and surrounded by the ‘Great Wilderness’ mountains of the NW Highlands.
I was a fulltime mother, then a full-time academic living and working in north-west England. In 2013 we decided to try and live a smaller, simpler, wilder life in the remote mountain and coastal landscapes of Wester Ross.
When I was a young researcher, I spent time in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea living with indigenous communities there. They taught me about the interconnectedness and sacredness of the living world.
After having my four children I worked in universities continuing my research and teaching students about environments, landform processes and landscape change. Eventually, after 12 years, I moved away from the rigours of scientific writing, rediscovered my wilder self and turned to nature non-fiction writing.
My work has been published by Elliott & Thompson in a series of anthologies called ‘Seasons’ and I have essays in several editions of the highly acclaimed journal ‘Elementum’, each one partnered with artworks by contemporary artists. I also still work with former colleagues and publish in peer-reviewed academic journals.
I am currently writing a book about this extraordinary place which will be published by Harper Collins


14 Responses to About

  1. Jenny Jones says:

    I’ve been hoping that you would do something like this so am delighted (but utterly jealous!) to see your blog. I look forward to lots of entries.


    • annieogw says:

      Thank you missy. I have been rather hesitant to start… you know how it is, you think it can’t be done and then one day, you just do it! A bit like journal papers! Hugs to you!


  2. Jules Telford says:

    Read your beautiful piece in Winter anthology and wanted to read more! Your thoughts resonate with me -I’m in transition moving away from a similar frantic semi urban life but it will take a little longer to move . I look forward to reading more. Happy New Year to you !


  3. falmouthfan says:

    Beautiful writing. Your piece in Melissa Harrison’s anthology of Winter brought me here.


  4. Max Harris says:

    I have made your blog my home page on my work PC so that every I day I am given the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful prose and splendid photography. All of this should be gathered eventually into a book, and when that happens, I shall be among the first in line to purchase a few copies. Great work!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh thank you Max, you are very kind. I’m so glad you like the blog. I’m not a real writer or photographer but this world of ours is so wonderful that I can’t help but write about it and take pictures of what I see.
      And there is a book coming, early next year I hope. Have you also seen the journal Elementum? I have pieces in Editions 4 and 5, accompanied by some fantastic art work.
      Best wishes to you!


  5. Hi Annie, I’d like to introduce myself to you. We appear to have a lot in common in that I am a photographer with a scientific/medical background and am currently living and writing from Mellon Udrigle. Check me out on my website.

    I’d love to write to you and have a proper chat. I find the blog really interesting and will now follow it regularly.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Living in the North of England says:

    Hi, your friend Jeni made me aware of your wonderful blog. I am doing the MA in Nature and Travel writing too and can only aspire to your fabulous wordsmithery. I am looking forward to reading more of your blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hayley says:

    Hi Annie

    I have just discovered your blog and ordered your book … You are living in our favourite place which we discovered, by a random google search, over 15 years ago … We are travelling back up in two weeks, a long journey but worth every minute … Hayley

    Liked by 1 person

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